Lighting can impact a film in many ways, it can affect the way we view a scene and it can even dictate the visual theme of the movie. This is the case in the movie The Shining. The Shining is a physiological horror film that uses low-key lighting to underline its overall dark theme. Low-key lighting is often used in dramatic scenes and horror films (Gooddykoontz, 2011). The deep shadows created by the low-key lighting help create an unsettling mood for the film. Traditional three-point lighting, and even high-key lighting, were used throughout the film, but the films more intense scenes were dominated by the use of low-key lighting. Brightening the scenes would have negatively impacted the underlining dark theme of this film.

The picture shown below is an example of low-key lighting that was used in this film. The picture shows a crowded bar, but in reality the main character is alone. The dark setting is representative of the mental state that the main character is in.



Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film: From Watching to Seeing. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.


Internet Media Database, IMDb (2014). The Shining. Retrieved from