Good Will Hunting Movie Poster

Title: Good Will Hunting


Writers: Ben Affleck and Matt Damon


Director: Gus Van Sant


Year: 1997


Actors: Robin Williams, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Minnie Driver, Stellan Skarsgård


Good Will Hunting is a movie about a brilliant young man conflicted with who he is. The movie takes place in Boston and follows a young man has he struggles through life. The main character is working as a janitor at MIT when he is discovered to be the mysterious genius that has solved a professor’s complex mathematical equation. Prior to the professor discovering the protagonist’s talents, he quits and furthers a path into self-destruction. The main character is eventually faced with an ultimatum that forces him into lowering his guard, thus opening him up to love and an unexpected friendship.

The film is presented chronologically and would have been hard to follow if presented non-linearly. The chronological order allows the audience to see the main character work through his internal and external conflicts. The way the story was told made it really easy to identify with certain aspects of the main characters through use of universal truths.

